Holy Fire Lotus

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Product Overview

(Nelumbo 'Holy Fire') Hardy Water Lotus

Holy Fire has lots of full, multi-petal blooms with varying shades of pink. The new flower is a deep, almost red pink. As it ages, Holy Fire petals extend and drape beautifully, the inner petals becoming a lighter pink than the outer petals. The result is a combination of different pinks on a single bloom, and on large, productive plants a combination of blooms of varying intensity at different stages of development. Very popular!

SIZE: MEDIUM (Height 3' to 5', Medium Spread)
Planting Container: We recommend a 2 1/2 Gallon Solid Planting Container or a 4 1/2 Gallon Solid Planting Container.
Light Requirements: FULL SUN
WATER DEPTH: 3" TO 18" (Maximum water depth is for mature lotus)

Lotus are sold as bare root tubers, or sometimes later in the Spring as runners with small leaves. The growing points are fragile, and must be handled very carefully.

For planting instructions see our: Planting Instructions for Hardy Water Lotus.


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  • 3
    time will tell

    Posted by Kimberly Wysocki on Jun 1st 2017

    I received my order promptly, and have my bare root soaking in pond water as I write. Time will tell if it becomes the beautiful flower in the picture, but I'm willing to wait! :)

  • 3
    Still waiting

    Posted by Steve on May 24th 2016

    Planted the lotus according to the directions...it has been almost a week, and still no signs of growth. Water temperature is steady at 60 degrees. Hope the warmer weather later this week will push out some growth before it rots.