Mosaic Plant

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Product Overview

Mosaic Plant (Ludwigia sedioides)

The 3" round floating rosettes of small red and green leaves make this plant a favorite. The diamond shaped leaves grow from a central radius, forming a mosaic-like pattern. Will thrive in warm temperatures of 70 degrees and above, in a sunny to partly shaded location. This unusual and attractive plant will spread to cover 24+ inches in a single season. If crowded, the rosettes will grow out of the water, giving a different but equally attractive appearance. Small Yellow blooms on mature plants.

Warm water plant -- will be shipped when your water temperature is over 65 degrees, beginning sometime in April.

Hardiness Zone: 10 -11, does not tolerate cold!
Light Requirements: Full Sun to Part Shade
Height: Surface Plant - Spread: 12" to 24"
Water Depth: 4" to 18"

Mosaic Plant can grow roots out of any part of the stem. When planting as a bog plant, part of the stem can be planted just like roots on other bog plants.

Because they are sensitive to cold, we will hold shipments with this plant until 2 weeks past your Spring frost date unless instructed otherwise.

For planting instructions see our: Planting Instructions for Bog Plants Page.


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  • 5
    Mosaic Plant

    Posted by PAULA BARKER on May 18th 2019

    Unusual beautiful plant as all the LilyBloom plants are, tku, Paula

  • 4
    Mosaic stems

    Posted by Pepper Morris on May 21st 2018

    These 2 little stems were put in the upper pond and stuck under 3" of gravel. Ine is already adding leaves. The other hasen't died yet but has not added leaves yet. I cannot add water lettuce to the pond as they love the water and will reproduce too fast and I have to throw away 25 plants a week. So I do hope the little mosaic's do good. They arer a cute plant.